Marketing Strategy

Comprehensive marketing know-how is more than just posting a property

The VMG Service Difference:

After determining what segment the property is intended to serve, we then have to think about how to get the property in front of that customer base.  If we’re interested in attracting vacationers we might advertise our property on sites such as VRBO or  If we’re interested in business travelers we might think about advertising on AirBnB.

If you’re interested in multiple customer bases then multiple advertising sites might suit you best.  If a property is advertised on multiple sites, it is very important to manage your calendars to avoid double bookings.  We license complex software that automatically integrates multiple advertising sites into one easy-to-use dashboard. Property owners’ reports are generated automatically too.

It’s Important to me, why?

Marketing know-how is important because it translates into more opportunities for bookings without burdening the property owner or manager with having to manually track their listings. Plus the property owner can login to view bookings, revenue, and expenses all in one location.

How does it benefit me?

Let’s list some of the benefits VMG’s Property Setup Service provides Property Owners

  1. More opportunities for bookings without complicating the owners’ lives
  2. Better performance tracking
  3. Easier to adjust listings to optimize owners’ goals
  4. Centralized dashboard for easy access to activity reports